Tuesday, December 14, 2010

jessica cars photos2008

So we’ve all heard the stories before. Woman are bad drivers, women like the “cutesie” girlie cars usually no bigger than a toaster…yes yes we’ve heard it all before. Why are we females often referred to as “uneducated” in the car world? That we don’t know our air-conditioning from our air-intake. Well boys, I’m about to give you a lesson here it seems.
Jessica: I was actually a makeup artist for a local photographer and I would see all the models doing their first shoots or doing their 50th shoot. I thought it was so interesting and they always talked about traveling and what they had been doing and it sounded like so much fun. So I shot some photos here and there, began promoting myself and before I knew it, I was pretty popular. It was awesome! I love getting to travel and seeing new faces, just not having the same boss all the time. As a matter of fact, I am my own boss... If I do not like the shoot or what is going on, I can pack up and leave! The dislikes would definitely be not being home a lot and spending enough time with my family and friends. My favorite model right now is Jessica Burciaga; I just think she is incredibly exotic and gorgeous. She has a unique look and I think it works well for her. I have yet to meet her in person but I'm sure she's a sweetheart.
Thank you to B’nai Shalom for generously donating their parking lot for our first car wash to kick-off Jessica’s Car Wash for a Cure! The car wash, hosted on May 16th, was a great success! It was a beautiful, sunny day, with volunteers willing to help “wash out” leukemia!The car washes this past Sunday July 12th was a success! We raised over $1,000 to directly benefit the Leukemia Research Foundation. Our success was captured and highlighted on the front page of Trib Local. Click here for the full story and pictures from the event.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the car wash - those who helped wash cars, those who brought their cars in for a wash and our car wash hosts! Your support is appreciated!

A special thank you for our college kids who made all of this happen. Carli and Evan Kander - our hosts and organizers. Also, JP Kulick, Walter Zawlocki and Paul Timko for hosting the car washes!
Thank you to everyone who came out to bowl and/or volunteer for the Jessica Shayne Magid Bowl-a-rama on Sunday July 19th! The event was a success because everyone enjoyed the day of bowling, fun, friends and family and because your contributions and participation brings us closer to finding a cure for leukemia.

The Niles Trib Local has highlighted our event! Click here for the full coverage ! This link will take you to the full article on page 11, and also see below as we made the front cover as
Thank you to our volunteers and all of those that participated and got their car washed!!! Let’s continue to make 2010 the year we get that much closer to eradicating leukemia and related blood cancers!!Here are some pictures from our first Car Wash!
It’s been increasingly shown that more and more women are opting for sports cars. Years ago cars such as the SLK, Mustang, Chevrolet and BMW, amongst others, were out of reach to most women. But over the years, many cars have become more affordable and many women just earn larger salaries in general.Times have changed! It’s an old myth that women want to own more reliable, practical and small engine cars such as Sparks, Atos, Picanto, Getz, the list goes on and on. Yes, it is true that many women opt for these cars, but this is purely due to fuel economy most of the time. We are well aware at the cost of petrol and prefer to save a little cash where we can. But don’t be surprised if you ask a girl what her dream car is and she happens to mention a pretty dam expensive sports car. Generally both men and woman want the same thing when purchasing a car; we just put them in different orders. A woman will place safety and reliability high on her list, while men would place engine size, looks and horsepower high on his.
As part of our fund raising efforts over these past years, we have held what we termed “neighborhood car washes” which were run in 4 different residential driveways. These car washes were conducted by high school and college age young adults (with the help of their parents as well) and raised $300 to $1,000 per location. Based on that success we have decided for 2010 to take this concept nationwide and we will be holding Car Washes during the Spring, Summer and Fall months of 2010.Details of Hosting Your Own Car Wash:
But who better to know what’s sexy than a woman herself. Generally we go for smooth, rounded curves. Black cars are always a winner! The faster the better, but still classy. Loud, irritating cars are a definite no no! Sorry guys, but its style all the way, unless you have the horse power to back it up, we might make an exception. It’s not that we don’t care about all the ins and outs and specs of every car we see, it’s just that, quite frankly we don’t really care all that much. Generally speaking if it looks HOT and its dam expensive, it’s more than likely to be a winner in our books.You do however get the odd female who might give you fellow petrol head men a run for your money. When it comes to knowing a thing or two about racecars,This girl seems to know her stuff. Take a look at this Toyota Supra, owned and modified by a female driver/model, Jessica Burton. Seems some girls should be given a lot more credit…I’d say!

jessica cars
jessica cars
jessica cars
jessica cars
jessica cars
jessica cars
jessica cars
jessica cars
jessica cars

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